This paper Asked Questions
For Class Discussion of Subject Learning Technology and Media

Drs. Sufyan, S.Ag., M.Pd.I

Produced by:
Ahmad Efendi
Deny Benefactor

FACULTY Tarbiyah
Holy Manyar Gresik

A. Problem Background
In addition to live it as a habitat environment (nature) also serves as a source of learning, because most of the science that is said as fractions of the study of philosophy of nature and its inhabitants environment.
In order to target more success in education, is essential to the means and infrastructure, both from the psychological to the material form. In this paper the author tries to discuss about the environment as a source of learning.
B. Problem formulation
With the little picture above, the authors draw some icons bias that would deserve if we make the formulation of the problem, namely:
1. Devinisi Environment
2. Destination Environment as a Source of Learning
3. Environment Type
4. Using techniques of Environment For Learning Method

4. Devinisi Environment
Environmental significance when viewed in liters like it means everything living or dead that is all around us. As if the more we think again, it means the environment is more than just an object in our sekeliing. As the Qur'an says: إقراء who have the command to read the content (learning), without specifying the object readings (lessons)
5. Destination Environment as a Source of Learning
In teaching and learning, teachers sometimes imitation of the figure shows the actual object used as an object lesson, but will be wearing when we invite the students to jump in circumstances (environment) so that in analyzing the data more wear due to real objects directly on the real and accurate.
The purpose of the election as a source of learning environment are as follows:
1. So that learning activities more interesting and not boring the students sit in class for hours so that students' learning motivation will be higher.
2. So that nature would be more meaningful learning because students are faced with the real situation.
3. So that materials can be studied more wealthy and more actual, so the truth is more accurate.
4. So that more students' learning activities and more active konprehenshif can confess because in many ways such as interviewing, observing and others.
5. To be a source of learning becomes richer learning environment caused diverse.
6. So that students can understand and appreciate that there are aspects of the environment.
However, despite saying so desired expectations (as written in the destination above), but in the application of the use of environment as a source of learning are also several weaknesses, including:
1. Learning activities less prepared in advance that cause as the students invited to a destination not to do learning activities that is expected so impressed kidding.
2. There is an impression of the teachers and students that study the environmental activities yag memperlukan time longer, so spend time to learn in the classroom.
3. the narrowness of the teacher's view that learning occurs only in class.
6. Environment Type
1. Social Environment
Belajarberkenaan source sebgai environment with social interaction with community life such as social organization, customs, livelihoods, culture, education, population, structure of governance and religion. Proper social environment be used to study social sciences and humanities. In practice the social teaching of the use of the environment as a source of learning should start from the nearest environment such as family, neighbors, Neighborhood, harmonious citizens, Village, Village, kec., And others. This is adjusted to the prevailing curriculum and level of development of the students.
2. Natural Environment
Natural environment with regard to all things in nature as a state alamiyah geography, climate, air temperature, season, and so on. Alan appropriate environment for field study Natural Sciences.
Aspects of the natural environment can be studied above LIVE by the students by the ways mentioned earlier. Given the properties of natural phenomena such as the relatively fixed not in the social environment, it will be easier to learn the students. Students can observe and record it for sure, can observe the changes that occur, including the process and so on. Other symptoms that can be learned is the damage the natural environment, including factors cause.
3. Artificial Environment
In addition to the social environment and its natural environment natural environment is also called artificial environment that is deliberately created or human built for specific purposes beneficial to human life.
Students can study the artificial environment of several aspects such as process, pemanfaatanntya, upkeep and other aspects related to pembngunan and human interests and society in general.
The third learning environment can be utilized in the schools in teaching and learning through the careful planning by field of study teachers either individually or collectively. The use of the learning environment can be implemented in the field of school hours study outside school hours in the form of assignment or pesaerta students in particular who intentionally set the end of the semester or mid-semester.
7. Using techniques of Environment For Learning Method
1. Survey
Namely students as learners' environment, such as visiting local communities to learn the process of social, economic, cultural and so forth. Students' learning activities carried out through observation, interviews with several parties that is deemed necessary to study the data or documents and others. The results are recorded and wiped [orkan in schools to be discussed together and simpukan by teachers and students to supplement learning materials.
2. Camping
Tent requires sufficient time for students should be able to appreciate how the nature of life such as temperature and atmosphere of others.
3. Karya Tour
Namely the visit of students out of class to study a particular object as an integral part of curricular activities in school. Before the field trips should be made the object of students to study and learn how and when to learn.
4. Practice Field
Practice field by the students to acquire skills and special skills.
5. Inviting People For Nara Source
In particular by inviting resource persons to the school to give an explanation about his skills before the students.

A. Conclusion
1 Devinisi Environment
Environmental significance when viewed in liters like it means everything living or dead that is all around us. As if the more we think again, it means the environment is more than just the presence of objects in our sekeliing. As the Qur'an says: إقراء who have the command to read the content (learning), without specifying the object readings (lessons)
Goal 2 Environment as a Source of Learning
The purpose of the election as a source of learning environment are as follows:
• In order for learning activities more interesting and not boring.
• So that the nature of learning will be more meaningful.
• In order for materials that can be studied more wealthy and more actual.
• In order for students learning more and more active konprehenshif.
• To become more resource-rich learning environments due to diverse study.
• So students can understand and appreciate that there are aspects of the environment.
The weakness
• Lack of preparation
• There is an impression yag memperlukan longer time
• the narrowness of the teacher's view that learning occurs only in class.

3 Types of Environmental
• Social Environment
• Natural Environment
• Artificial Environment
4. Using techniques of Environment For Learning Method
• Survey
• camping
• Works Tour
• Practice court
• Invite People For Nara Source
B. Suggestion and Feedback
Thus our paper can serve as a human being a writer is very aware of the errors in the content and the writing of this paper, therefore we are looking forward to the criticisms and suggestions are progressive from all colleagues and especially from Mr. Dosen.

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