Praise be to Allah Almighty, peace and greetings may be delegated to the Prophet Muhammad. Authors thank the Divine Rabbi who has provided guidance and His inayah, so the paper can be completed even in simple circumstances.
This paper was prepared to fulfill the task given by the lecturers who hold this class in Islamic High School Balikpapan. Realize that the preparation of papers have many weaknesses and shortcomings here and there, therefore the authors expect constructive criticism from readers of this paper to perfection in the future.
Hopefully this paper can be useful for the students, and readers, especially for authors. Amien Ya rabbal Alamien.

Expectations that never lost and always demanded of teachers is how the lessons that teachers can be submitted by the students mastered it completely. This is a difficult enough problem that is felt by the teachers. Because of difficulties in their students not only as individuals with all keunkannya, but they are also as social beings with different backgrounds. At least there are three aspects that differentiate students with one another, namely intelektuals aspects, psychological and biological.
These three aspects are recognized as root causes that gave birth to varied attitudes and behavior of the students in the school. It's also a pretty heavy task for teachers to manage classes well. Teacher complaints often came out as only a problem difficult to manage the classroom, pengajaranpun goal difficult to achieve. This would not have happened, because the business can be done is still wide open. One way is to minimize the number of students in the classroom and the classroom arrangement.
A good classroom management interaction will bear good teaching and learning as well. Learning objectives can be achieved without significant obstacles. With the achievement of learning objectives, it can be said that the teacher has succeeded in teaching. The success of teaching and learning activities, of course, be known after the evaluation performed by a set of items about which some formula in accordance with learning goals. Extent the level of teaching and learning success.
Thus some of the problems described in general to provide initial insight.

Order to create an exciting learning atmosphere, to note arrangements / structuring classroom learning. Formulation and study setting should enable the child to sit bekelompok and facilitate teachers to move freely to assist students in learning. In the classroom setting, the following things to note:
- Size and shape of the class
- Shape and size of the student benches and tables
- The number of students in the classroom
- The number of students in each group
- The number of groups in the classroom
- Composition of students in a group (such as students who are intelligent and less intelligent, men and women)
(Conny Semawan, et al., 1985; 64)
In a class of spatial problems is the description will be directed to the discussion of seating arrangements, setting teaching tools, structuring class beauty and cleanliness, and ventilation and lighting. But that will be discussed in this paper is only about seating arrangements.

In a study of students need a place to sit. Seat of learning affects students. If the seat is good, not too low, not too big, round, long square, in accordance with the student body condition. So students can learn in peace.
The shape and size of the place is now used all sorts, there is one seat can be occupied by a student, there are unisex one place is occupied by several students. We recommend that the student seating not too big in size for ease in changing their formation. There are several forms of seating formations that can be used as needed. If teaching is to be followed by a lecture method, then the seat backs should be lined up lengthwise.
Sudirman N (1991; 318) put forward some examples of seating formations, ie facing position, the position of a half circle, and marched to the rear position. This issue will sebnarnya problems associated with students as individuals with differences in the biological aspects, intellectual, and psychological. However, in the differences of the three aspects was also tucked similarities.
Abu Ahmadi and Widodo Supriyono (1991; 108) see students as individuals with all the differences and similarities. At the core containing the above three aspects. Similarities and differences are:
1.Persamaan and differences in intelligence (intelligence).
2.Persamaan and differences in abilities
3.Persamaan and differences in learning outcomes
4.Persamaan and the difference in talent
5.Persamaan and differences in attitudes
6.Persamaan and differences in habits
7.Persamaan and differences in knowledge / experience
8.Persamaan and differences in physical characteristics
9.Persamaan and differences in interests
10.Persamaan and differences in the ideals
11.Persamaan and differences in the needs
12.Persamaan and differences in personality
13.Persamaan and differences in the patterns and the tempo of development
14.Persamaan and differences in environmental background.
Various similarities and differences in the student's personality, useful in helping business students in classroom settings. Primarily related to the problem of how patterns of student groupings to create an active learning environment and creative, so full of learning fun and excitement can survive in a relatively long time.
Placement of students requires consideration of aspects of the student body posture, which puts students who have high or low body, which puts students who have abnormalities

An optimal learning conditions can be achieved if teachers are able to manage their students and teaching facilities and control in a pleasant atmosphere to achieve teaching objectives. Also interpresonal good relationships between teachers and students and students with children, an absolute prerequisite for the occurrence of teaching-learning process effective.

Dimyati and Mudjiono, 1999 "Learning and Learning", First Edition, Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka reserved.

Suharsimi Arikunto, 1980 "Classroom Management and Student" Second Edition, Jakarta: Rajawali Publisher

Suharsimi Arikunto, 1993 "The Teaching of Human Management", print the second, Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka reserved.

Syaiful bahri Aswan Djamarah and Zain, 1997, "Teaching and Learning Strategies", First Edition, Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Notices

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