A. Problem Background
Classroom management is a skill teachers to create and maintain an optimal learning conditions and return it when there is disruption in the teaching-learning process. An optimal conditions can be achieved if teachers and facilities capable of teaching students and mengedalikannya in a pleasant atmosphere for teaching purpose. Effective classroom management is an absolute requirement for the teaching and learning process.
Teaching in principle guiding students in learning and teaching or implies that teaching is an organization of business environment in relation to their students and teaching materials that cause the learning process (Uzer Osman, 1988:6).
From the quote above implies that teachers were set to control and manage the classroom in order to achieve teaching-learning process directed to the educational objectives. This is in line with the Syarifudin Nurdin said that the teachers as one component in learning and teaching, has a crucial position of learning success for the primary function of teachers is to design, manage, implement and evaluate learning (Syarifudin Nurdin, 2002:1).
In addition, teachers are responsible for maintaining the physical environment is always fun class in order to learn and a good environment that is challenging and stimulating students to learn, providing a sense of security and satisfaction in achieving goals (Uzer Osman, 1998:10).
Of some description above has shown how important a good classroom management to the achievement of teaching and learning processes that ultimately affect both the teaching and learning achievement of students or the students. Because of that encouragement should be made of a study that observed about what business will be conducted by the teacher in managing the classroom in this study the author tried to observe teachers in classroom management to the achievement of the learning process.
B. Problem formulation
From some descriptions above, several problems arise as follows:
1. What efforts made by teachers in classroom management?
2. How the implementation of effective teaching and learning in primary schools?
3. How to use the effectiveness of student learning time?
C. Discussion Objectives
From the description above, the author has a discussion purposes, including as follows:
1. Trying to improve the professionalism of teachers in performing their duties
2. Students tried to perform his duties as a candidate for educators (teachers) to provide some variation method of learning, in order to avoid saturation of students in learning.
3. Improving productivity study time students, in order to achieve effectiveness in relation to student learning National educational premises.
D. Discussion Method
The methods used in preparing the author of this scientific work is a literature study method, which is quoted, re-arrange and formulate statements of experts in the field of education.
A. As the nature of the Supervising Teacher Learning and Education
Which has been described as the introduction, that educating children is meminpin toward maturity, so that kiata goal in education is the child's maturity. An educator may not bring children to adulthood not only with advice, instructions, prescriptions and prohibitions only. But the primary is a picture of maturity that can be imagined senan tiasa inner child educators in their interactions (between educators and students).
Over time some changes following the development of education era. Hence comes the time these days, teachers are not the only sosaial control, but in this case has a position as a teacher after pasilitator function as a coach, teacher and mentor.
Manusai since birth has been anugrahi nature, to nurture and educate and train children to become a man who is faithful and righteous.
This digaskan Al-Quran in Sura. Ar-Rum verse 30.
This means: So let your face with a straight to the religion of God Fitrah God who created man by nature is. There is no change in the nature of God. That is the right religion, but most people do not know. MORA RI (992: 615).
1. Code Guru
Codes of ethics can be defined procedure in Developing teachers implementing educational mission. The code of ethics tersebur:
1. Teachers guide students devoted entirely to form a development that was Pancasila.
a. Teachers want the rights of individuals and personalities students each.
b. Teachers try to match the success of education (physical and spiritual) for their students.
c. Teachers should live and practice of Pancasila.
d. Teachers with intensifying seriously Moral Pancasila Pendididkan for their students.
e. Teachers trained in solving problems and developing creative future of the students in order to support developing communities.
f. Teachers assist schools in an effort to instill the knowledge skills to their students.
2. Teachers have a professional honesty in implementing the curriculum in accordance with the needs of students respectively.
a. Teachers appreciate and notice the differences and needs of students respectively.
b. Teachers should apply widely in the curriculum was radically according to the needs of students respectively.
c. Teacher gives lessons in implementing the curriculum regardless of the type and position of student parents.
3. Teacher communication, particularly in obtaining information about their students, but refrain from all forms of abuse.
a. Communication teachers and students inside and outside of schools based on compassion saying.
b. For the success of education, the teacher must know the child's personality and background of each keluargannya.
c. Teacher communication is only held solely for the educational interests of students.
4. Teachers create an atmosphere of school life and maintain relationships with parents as well as possible for the interests of the students.
a. Teachers create an atmosphere of school life so that students are at home and learn in school.
b. Teachers create good relationships with parents could be established so that the reciprocal exchange of information with their students.
c. Meetings with parents should be held regularly.
5. Teachers maintain good relations with the communities around the school and the wider community for educational purposes.
a. Teachers expand public knowledge about the teaching profession.
b. Teachers helped disseminate educational programs to the community and the surrounding culture, so that the school functioned as a central part coaching and development of education and culture in place.
c. Teachers should serve to himself and his school can function as a reformer element for life and progress of the region.
d. Teachers participate together in the surrounding community activities.
e. Teachers seek to create cooperation between the best schools, parents, and community education efforts for perfection on the basis of the awareness that education is a shared responsibility between government, parents and the community.
6. Teachers individually or jointly develop and improve the quality of his profession.
a. Teacher continuing to work with:
1. Read books
2. workshops, seminars, cooperatives movement, and meetings of other educational and scientific.
3. attended
4. conduct research activities.
b. Teachers always talk, act, and act in accordance with the dignity of the profession.
7. Teachers create and maintain relationships both among teachers based on the work environment and in the overall relationship.
a. Teachers constantly exchanging information, opinions, advise each other and help each Bantu lainnta, both in the private interest and the prfesinya task.
b. Teachers do not take measures that harm the good name seprofesinya colleagues and support the dignity of teachers in whole or in private.
8. Teachers jointly maintain, develop, and enhance professional teacher organizations as a means of devotion.
a. Teachers become members and help the organization intended to foster teachers and education profession in general.
b. Teachers always try to improve unity among fellow devotee of education.
c. Teachers always tried to avoid the attitude-skap, the sayings and actions that harm the organization.
9. Teachers implement all the provisions of the pemerinah policy in education.
a. Teachers always subject to the policies and government regulations in the field of education.
b. Teachers' professional duties with melekukuan and sense of devotion diplin.
c. Teachers try to help spread the government's policies and programs in education kjepada parents and surrounding communities
d. Teachers try to support the creation of educational leadership on the environment or in the best area.
(Quoted from the book basis PGRI Organization)
2. Teachers as mentors, teachers and education
Many teachers feel that the job of teachers is low or lowly when compared with office work or work disuatu PT. This caused the public's perception of teachers is still narrow and ficik, a view that is generally meteriallistik, only the mere worldliness.
From the advance has been clear that the teacher's work hard, but noble and glorious. The task of teachers there is no "teaching", teapi also "educate". Then to do the job as a teacher, not random people can menjalankannya.sebagai good teacher must have the requirements in the Act No. 12 of 1945 on the grounds education and teaching in schools for the whole of Indonesia, in article 15 is expressed about the teacher as follows:
"The main requirements to become a teacher, in addition to the diploma and the terms of the physical and spiritual health, are the qualities that need to be able to provide education and instruction as referred to in Article 3, Article 4 and Article 5 of this Act"
In addition to the above requirements, of course there are many other requirements that teachers must have if we want the job or the job of teachers to bring better results.
B. Student Learning Time Management
When learning is a time where students get the instruction. An educational goal will always be achieved best when supported by the allocation of a good time, but the effectiveness of time is not the only factor supporting the success pendidikan.lingkungan as a form of informal education can also affect the realization of an educational purpose.
The education process should always refer to the management or allocation of time means the time baik.hal as Limitation (control) the process goes on an education.
C. Teaching-learning process
1. Understanding learning
There are many sources of understanding learning, including the following:
a. Reber understanding according to the study in the two definitions, namely:
- "Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge"
- "Learning is a change in the relative reaction time lasting as a result of the exercise," (Muhibbin Shah: 1995:90)
b. According Sardiman (1986:23) that "Learning is a process of self-human interaction natara personal tangible, facts, concepts or theories".
c. According to Hoard kinglay (1957:12) that "Learning is a process which caused the behavior or the fox through pratek and experience".
2. Learning Readiness
Each of lessons can be taught to children in accordance with epektif when the child's level of development there are three important issues regarding the adjustment of learning materials to children's development including the following:
a. Intelak development
Results of research related to child intellectual development showed that each level of development has certain characteristics about the way children view their environment in a way to give meaning to doiri own.
b. Learning
In preparing the teaching materials we usually arrange the material that is commonly referred to as the unit of study.
c. Sepiral curriculum
The curriculum is not something that setatis closed, but is open sepiral. The curriculum has a structure of teaching materials, organized or formed around the principles, problems and values in society. Always need a good curriculum of the students and the surrounding community.
3. Interest and motive to learn
Pembangktan motives learning in children, difficult learning process carried out when a greater emphasis on curriculum units, an increase in system classes, examination system, and emphasized kontiunitas and deepening learning.
Concerning the concentration of attention and interest lies in studying sustu continuum that moves from apathy or no interest to most of this attention berminat.Minat or very closely related to students' learning processes in schools.
Generating student interest in learning there is a temporary (short term). And some that are permanent (long term).
Some things that can be made to raise the children learn the lessons of electoral materials meant for children to create learning activities that can generate the urge to find (Discovery), translating what can diajakan in mind that according to the level of child development.
A. Teaching and Learning Components
As already mentioned in the description in chapter II, that learning is a process of behavior change indifidu through interaction with the environment (Hamaliah Kung, 1978:50). This means that the process of achieving a goal of education is influenced by several factors including: the form of education
educational methods, educational assessment materials, professional educator (teacher). So in this occasion the author tried to describe some efforts in order to improve learning achievement of a proud accomplishment.
Form of both informal education (Environment), non-formal (family), both formal (school) is one of supporting the achievement of educational objectives in this regard is education provides a strong stimulation of the learning process itself is a particular form of education will greatly influence student learning in school a form of education that gripped the national education goals will always reach the goal itself well.
Education is the adult leader of the children in their development toward maturity. M. Ngalim Purwanto (1998:19) that the purpose of learning at school is bringing the child to maturity, which means he can determine hurus themselves and their own responsibility.
But in reality on the ground the child not to know yourself "I am" new kid on mulaa know puberitas "admitted", began Choosing and recognize the values of life.
B. Student Learning
Learning activities can not be in the release of the study, because both are from the two sides of a coin. Eve Syaodih (2005:131).
study is an effort of teachers to enable students to learn. What if we examine the learning theories in chapter II, almost entirely in developed or left out of learning.
1. Intuitive Learning
Observations showed that in various research and learning activities in schools, more emphasis is given to the ability to formulate a eksfisit, and the child's ability to produce mastery of the child verbally and numerical.
Intuitive thinking has no steps that can be precisely formulated and carefully, rather a monuver which is based on the perception of the overall problem inplisif.
Intusi is mastery and indirect recognition by using formal methods of analysis and evidence-proof.
2. Meaningful learning
Ausubel Robinson (1969) distinguishes two dimensions of the learning process, the dimensions of how to master the knowledge and how to connect the new knowledge in the structure of existing ideas.
In learning to accept all materials in sejikan lesson to the students in the perfect form, the learning process of discovery learning (search) because the material presented was not finished, then the student must find their own completion.
There are two important things in the concept of meaningful learning, ie cognitive structure and material of new knowledge. Cognitive structure is all the knowledge that has been owned by students as a result of past learning.
Conditions in the process of meaningful learning is:
a. The material in the study must be linked to cognitive structure uniformly because of the similarity of content.
b. Students must have an appropriate concept to be learned material.
c. Students must have progress or the motive to link the concept with its cognitive structure.
Will result in meaningful learning concepts, new ideas that have meaning, full of meaning, real clear distinction with the other. By learning meaningful, students will master and the view of the core concepts.
So is the content of cognitive structure, which occurs because the material has potential significance in the combine with cognitive structures.
C. Learning Readiness
Student materials submitted to the children all effective in accordance with the child's level of development. Doing a lesson materials to children is the lesson materials memprensentasikan strutur accordance with the way children see or interpret the lesson material.
Teaching is a translation of a general allegation that the idea or concept can be sepresikan with truth and the best with the level of children at certain age levels.
According to Piaget (2005:142) there are four levels of child development, namely
a. Motor sensory level: the birth to 2 years with a growth rate will move and respond to stimuli.
b. Preoperasional levels: the 2 to 7 years of experience of the relationship between the activities.
c. The level of school children: the 7 to 11 years is a different operational level with the first level of the active semeta-eye.
d. Formal level operation: the 11 to 14 Thun, an intellectual activity in children aged up berpariasi ability hepotesis level and no longer at the level of experience or limited to what has been introduced.
A learning process of students will always effective when supported by some of the educational components include the following:
1. Planning teaching
Planning in referring to the teaching program should be able to make teachers better prepared to teach in the planning. In teaching at least have to prepare for these things:
a. Purpose
b. Lessons
c. Teaching and learning activities
d. Methods, media and sources
About a fifth of these components are required for a teacher can prepare or make planning and teaching by considering the needs of students as well as intellectual development and imosionalnya.
2. Adjustment program with classroom situations
Adalayh teaching program curriculum development at the taingkat class in the implementation of this means bersipat plesibel curriculum development institution level curriculum development level study areas (GBPP), including grade-level curriculum development (Pengajran Program), the implementation requires customization, among other classroom situations.
The importance of this teaching program adjustment to the situation of this class because it uses environmental principles.
3. Adjustment of teaching and learning interactions
It is important to note the teachers in planning and implementing classroom instruction program is teaching and learning interactions that take place during the learning process. Which require attention during the execution of the program teachers teaching in the teaching-learning interaction is the use of different types of teaching-learning interactions into an optimal direction thus, teaching and learning interactions that take place not only of teachers to students alone, but also the mutual interaction between teachers and students .
A. Conclusion
From some descriptions above, it can be concluded is as follows:
1. Teacher professionalism in allocating time to learn students are encouraged by a sense of their responsibility as educators to achieve educational goals as possible in accordance with the applicable GBPP
2. Teaching-learning process in supported by the loyalty and discipline will create teaching and learning activities are smooth and conducive. That's because not escape the great role of teachers in managing classroom
3. To achieve student learning goals, there should be a variation of learning methods of students, in order to generate interest and talents of students to study in relation to national education.
B. Advice
1. Let the teachers who teach more increasing role in the management of another class, so that will increase students' learning achievements
2. Should be to enhance our teaching and learning activities, students also take an active role in teaching and learning activities that will be established a harmonious relationship between students with teachers and students with other students.
3. To smooth KBM institution should provide facilities that support teaching and learning activities.
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